Filling the Gaps? Or Letting Space Work Its Magic?
This photo is of one of the two piles of garden waste my husband and I (Laura) created this weekend.
When we got started I had no idea how much of a cull we would end up doing! Standing back to admire our progress I saw what felt like gaping holes in the garden and my immediate instinct was to fill them up with more planting. Ever wiser than me when it comes to overcrowded planting, my husband suggested we resist the temptation to fill the gaps and allow the remaining plants to have access to this space to breathe and flourish.
Creating opportunities for space is just as important in our lives as it is in the garden. With jam packed schedules and little time for rest, there are few opportunities to breathe and flourish unless we carve them out.
This is a principal Kirsten and I reflected on in today in our weekly meeting. With only 9 1/2 weeks to go until Christmas, cultivating space is really important right now. We've been taking stock of where we are approaching the end of the year.
What's left in the energy tank?
What needs to happen to ensure that we reach Christmas with smiles on our faces as opposed to shells of our former selves?
So out came pen and paper, the calendars and some conscious planning to ring fence time and space so that we can achieve this goal.
If you take a moment to pause and reflect, how are you doing right now?
Are you motoring along ok or barely hanging onto survival?
What do you notice about yourself at the moment? What's your headspace like? Emotions? What's your body telling you? Is it calm and relaxed or wound up and agitated? Are you more snappy than usual? Are you starting to opt out of good wellbeing practices because busyness is getting in the way?
Whenever you take the time to notice these signals you have an opportunity to do something differently.
~ Laura