Pause. Take Stock. What do you need?

One of the best tools we have for keeping our wellbeing in check is our own self-awareness. It stands to reason that if we cannot recognise our difficulty in the first place, then it is a lot more challenging to find the right solutions.

It turns out that the overwhelming mess of experiences we may be having when we are stressed can actually be giving us some really good information. When we stop and pay attention we can notice that our body and mind are giving us some helpful clues that we are off kilter.

You have probably noticed that your wellbeing changes over time depending on different factors. Sometimes that can happen within an hour and sometimes withing a period of days or weeks. This is normal! So let’s take stock of your current starting point…

Where are you now?

Using the sliding scale in the image above, see if you can identify where your wellbeing sits today. There's no right or wrong here, what matters is what you feel fits for you. We will all identify with these words differently; someone else's version of struggling or thriving may be quite different from yours!

What has contributed to your wellbeing sitting at this place?

What external or internal factors have led to this (i.e. poor health, financial stability, a decent holiday)?

What does being at this place look like for you?

What emotions have you notice? If you listened to your thoughts what would they be saying? How does your body feel? What actions are you taking? Are there any actions you would normally be doing that you've stopped taking?

What will help you move further along the continuum?

You know yourself better than we ever will. What practices do you feel confident would help you move towards thriving and excelling. Or maintain that place if you are already there?

What support do you need?

We succeed and thrive best when we work together and support each other. When we struggle alone, that’s when the struggle can seem impossible. Who is in your support network that can help keep you on track?

If you found this helpful and would like to share it with others you can download our FREE “Taking Stock” worksheet. You’ll find it in the Free Resources section on our website.

If you need more external support please reach out to us and let’s talk about how we can help.

~ Kirsten & Laura


You never quite know what kind of journey life is going to take you on


Resilience does not = nailing it