Flashback to the school holidays
"The most powerful way to change the world is to live in front of our children the way we would like the world to be.”
- Graham White
Here’s me sitting in the foyer of our local movie theater. I did an enjoyable hour's work in lovely surroundings while my daughter and her friend watched a movie. But it wasn’t all smooth sailing!
In our house, school holidays can bring both relief and challenge - who can relate? As we head towards the end of term the tiredness kicks in and we can start to feel like we’re holding on by the skin of our teeth. I look forward to having no set morning routine and the constant admin that term time creates. I also love having some real quality time with my daughter where we can just enjoy each other’s company mooching about with no set plans.
As a working parent, the delicate balancing act I often feel I’m barely managing during the regular school term becomes even more challenging during the school holiday periods. I have less time to achieve what’s on my to-do list but the problem is, no one told my to-do list that! And the guilt can set in…
Guilt that I’m not being present enough for my daughter.
Guilt that I’m not keeping on top of my work requirements.
Guilt that I am certainly not keeping on top of the usual things I would get done around the home.
Arg. It can all feel pretty yuck if I don’t come at this with some strategy.
So here’s my go to tricks after six years:
Be really realistic with my expectations, and then check them again! I physically can’t achieve all the things with less time. And I am not happy to compromise on things I consider to be important like sleep, so I won’t be up all night playing catch up.
Be flexible with my priorities. Normally I like to maintain a tidy home, but during these two weeks, I’ve found a way to embrace a bit of disorder and be content with it. Similarly, my regular exercise routine might undergo some adjustments during this period, and I’m ok with that.
Accept help. We are lucky enough to have grandparents within an hours drive from home. It’s a win-win here as they love having special time with our daughter.
Be organised. This is not my strong suit but I know I do so much better with a plan than flying by the seat of my pants. This might look like setting up a child swap before the holidays start so myself and my working friend can take turns with childcare to help each other out.
Practice saying no. For me this is about making sure the two weeks don't get crammed full of activities. I value the time to go slow and start the next school term recharged over exhausted.
A sense of humour and self-compassion go a long way! I am fairly certain I won’t get the balance right some of the time. If I can accept that and give myself some kindness for being human I spend far less time in guilt mode
Now I’m taking stock as I refocus my attention for the final leg of 2024.
What do I need to fill my tank and keep me on track so that I can turn up as the best version of me I can be?
That doesn’t mean perfect, just balanced more often than not would be great.
~ Laura