I’m not a big one for new years resolutions.

I prefer to take on each year as part of the continuous flow of my life.

My intention is to use my values as guide points for the whole and maintain a regular consciousness about where I put my attention, energy and time. Am I aligned or off course? And what do I need at this moment to steer the course?

However, I am a big fan of reflection and this is something I love to allocate space to somewhere in the Christmas/New Year period.

In my immediate family, we’ve had a tradition for a few years on Christmas Eve of sharing our thoughts on the past year. We celebrate each other’s wins and we share what we each hold gratitude for. Sitting around on warm summer evenings with my parents can often lead to similar conversations.

I like to think that each moment, day, week, month and year holds the potential for limitless possibilities. And maybe that’s my rub with a ‘resolution’. Are we selling ourselves short if we put limits on our capabilities?

To this end, I prefer to reflect on whether I have lived my year in a way that enables me to live to my potential. For this, the foundational things need to be there; sleep, nutrition and movement. On the whole, am I optimising my ability to function at the best level of well being available to me? What is required for my emotional and spiritual health? Did I lean into connection and compassion as I traveled my course this year? Did I give myself the opportunity to learn? Was I patient as I found balance out of my comfort zone? Was I open to learning and growth when the gift of insight came my way?

I have kept a gratitude and celebrations journal most days for the past few months. I have a long list of ‘things’ I can celebrate as 2023 draws to a close. But all of those things stem from enabling myself to lean into the framework above.

So as I head into 2024 I will continue to nourish my well being to the best of my ability. Because if I do that well, then I have faith that where I end up will be the place I am supposed to go.

~ Laura


So what’s the plan for your reno?


What will you take from this year into 2024?