So what’s the plan for your reno?

Renos are more like a marathon and less like a sprint.

Whilst a short sprint of “intervention style” habits can be a helpful way to kick start your year, can I suggest an alternative?  Yes you’re feeling motivated and yes you’ll probably make some great strides forward (so it’s not all bad) but can you sustain the intensity? What happens when that tough week comes and you get fully knocked off the wagon…can you get back on?

How about you frame up your health plans with some flex? Take a check on the expectations you’re setting for yourself and actually plan for when life gets in the way.  This allows you to still strive for greatness and also ensures that you don't let yourself go completely. All or something vs all or nothing 👌

So what does your plan look like for…
😁 a great week (optimistic - how you'd ideally like it to be but it only happens 1 in 4 weeks haha)
😐 an average week (realistic - admitting what’s more likely to happen required)
😤 a 💩 week (minimalistic - just enough to keep you in the the wagon)

Now you can apply this framework to whatever lifestyle habits you want - the number of times you plan to exercise, the number of meals you plan to eat healthily, the days of the week where you get X number of hours of sleep...the choice is yours!

Pro Tip: make it fit to what you know best about yourself and your life! It will look different for all of us.

Let me know if you need any help with getting some more clarity on this!

~ Kirsten


The art of doing…nothing


I’m not a big one for new years resolutions.